Setting Up Cart Abandonment Automation

<aside> 💡 With cart abandonment automation, NovoChat will automatically send a WhatsApp message reminder to customers who made it to the checkout page but didn't make payment.


  1. From your Novochat dashboard, go to Automation > Automated > Create Automation.


  2. Name the automation.


  3. Set automation type to 'Abandoned Cart Reminder' and select the provided template message.


  4. Set a delay time (when you'd like the message to be sent after customer abandoned their cart).


  5. Select channel — which WhatsApp account you'd like the message to be sent from. You can send automated messages from your own WhatsApp number with the Pro Plan. Otherwise, you can use NovoChat's Default WhatsApp number*.


    *NovoChat's default number is a number we provide. You can only broadcast messages with this number. You won't get any reply from your recipients.

  6. Toggle the 'Activate this automation' button if you want the automation to work right away.


  7. Hit the Save button.

  8. Your automation is now active! See automation's status and statistics on the Automation page.


  9. And that's it! You're done setting it up.