NovoChat users are now able to monitor or check which number or recipients receive the broadcast message they send with Broadcast Status Report.

Imagine you send a broadcast message but the internet connection is lost all of a sudden. This will affect the message delivery when it is not done yet. Hence, this feature helps you avoid sending message twice or more to the same number. You can filter by using downloaded CSV file from NovoChat.

Here are the steps to check broadcast status report:

  1. From NovoChat dashboard, go to Campaign.
  2. On the campaign page, filter the campaign by choosing the Completed ones only.

<aside> 💡 Broadcast Status Report can only be accessed or downloaded once the campaign is launched. The download icon will then appear for the completed campaign.


  1. Next, click the download icon and the CSV file will be downloaded in your computer.


  1. Open the file to see whether the message is sent to the recipients.
  2. If the message status is not sent to some numbers, you can take those out and create a new file to send a separated broadcast message.