Follow this step-by-step guide to setting up your Telegram from creating a bot to integrating it to NovoChat.

Creating A Telegram Bot

To create a bot, you need to talk to BotFather. It will help you create new bots and change settings for existing ones.

  1. From your Telegram app, search for BotFather.

  2. Click to open a chat window with BotFather. You will see a description of what BotFather is.

  3. To start a conversation, type in /start and send. You will receive a list of commands to control BotFather.

  4. To create a bot, type /newbot and send.

  5. Give a name to your bot. The name of your bot is displayed in contact details and elsewhere. Make sure it’s recognizable for your team and customers.

  6. Give a username to your bot. The Username is a short name, to be used in mentions and links. Your bot's username must end in 'bot', e.g. 'tetris_bot' or 'TetrisBot'. If the username is already taken, you will be asked to enter a different username.

  7. After bot name and username is set, you will receive a token. This API token is to be keyed in when you connect Telegram to your Inbox.

  8. Your customers can search your bot by Telegram username or via Telegram link just like searching for a usual Telegram account.

Connecting Your Telegram Bot to NovoChat Inbox

  1. On the Channels page, click on the Add button below the Telegram icon.



  1. In the Internal Name field, type in the name of integration. This name is for internal use so that you and your team can recognize the integration.
  2. In the Public Name field, type in how you want the channel name to appear in your NovoChat widget.
  3. In the Telegram Token field, insert the token of the Telegram bot which you received during the bot creation process.
  4. Click Create to save it.